Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sorry no cure for '88 crisis

From Malaysiakini

Sorry no cure for '88 crisis
Mar 27, 08 2:56pm
An apology by the government for the 1988 judicial crisis is not sufficient to induce real reform, said former United Nations special rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers Param Cumaraswamy.


What's the use in saying 'sorry'. It was the darkest hour for our Malaysian judiciary system when this incident happened and the whole world watched in horror.

Bring those involved to justice now, have a fair trial and sentenced the guilty ones accordingly.

Will Zaid live up to his expectation and clean-up our judiciary system.Time will tell, in fact everyone will be watching how the high profile cases are handled. If they are handled satisfactorily, the next 5 years, eveyone will know what to do..........BN will be the opposition party.

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